Saturday, November 9, 2013

Is Your Kitchen a Fat Burner or Fat Storer?

The Fat Burning Kitchen
The is a lot to be said about the so called "Healthy Foods" that we purchase and are led to believe that they help you lose weight.

We see so many ads on TV showing us healthy foods that are not high in fat and low in sugar, sodium, carbohydrates and the like.

Have you taken a few minutes and had a look at your kitchen to see what kind of foods you do have? Well many have realized that all they are buying are fat storing foods, regardless how hyped up they have been.

The truth is, most of the foods that we buy in the store are not healthy at all. Think about their packaging and the lining that is holding the contents. Most recently BPA has been the biggest NO NO to be used in a lot of containers which is absolutely not good for anyone.

Now there is a solution to the kind of foods that you are buying and Mike Geary and Catherine Ebeling and put together a fantastic guide to kitchen foods and how to make a your body a fat burning machine with a 24 hour diet transformation.

I highly recommend that you read my full Fat burning kitchen review here and read about Mike's article. It is a real eye opener. All the best.

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